Hi All, This is a reality check for the majority of the local competition. As 'out numbered' as they are, there is only one person we can't play without on game day and that's the Referees.
I'm personally completely 1000% behind Nathan (Referee Development Officer) and the FDBA on this, and hope that all members, spectators, and otherwise are continually aware that treating the Referee, at all games, with the utmost respect is the bare minimum. Regardless of your personal opinion of a decision.
Please put yourselves in their shoes, know that they are human and if you feel the need to disagree... That's what we are here for to help you and support you as Committee Members.
Please direct any feedback towards us to relay to the appropriate people at the FDBA and leave young people who are brave enough, and passionate enough about Basketball to put on the 'Green Shirt' and/or the 'Black and White' and let them call the shots as best they can.
Lets be the Leading Club to show the others how its done and thank the Refs, Support the Refs and make it an environment where our kids want to be the next generation of Refs.
It's now up to you to always lead by example in a positive Boomer way!
This is of course not directed at us solely but also a wake up to always be the best Boomer you can be.
Message from Nathan as follows:
Tuesday 22nd August 2017
Dear Club Delegates,
Re Poor coach, player and spectator behaviour
Over the past season I have noticed an increasingly poor standard of behaviour from coaches, parents and players. The referee supervisor team is constantly getting complaints about referees and demanding a better standard of referee on their games. We have a large number of referee’s who have given up refereeing on Saturday or refereeing completely due to the way they get treated by – THIS MUST STOP.
On Saturday 12th August I took to the court for our Saturday Competition as a referee – a complaint was lodged with the supervisor on duty regarding my ability to officiate at an acceptable standard in an U9 domestic match. Please note – I am a 2A level referee with 7 years’ experience, Level 2 referee coach, and regularly work in Big V (senior rep) and VJBL junior panel (junior rep).
This is a concerning trend that I must implore all club delegates to follow up with your members. The association is actively working towards managing, developing and retaining quality people within the referees program – however the constant complaints from unqualified individuals that wish to constantly criticize and berate officials must stop. It is quite common to listen to individuals point out the causes of their frustration, only to have to explain to them that what is happening is correct, and explain to them the correct application of the rule or infringement they believe has occurred – at times this doesn’t seem to appease their expectations.
We want the best outcomes for our competition and will continue to strive for excellence. Our supervisor team is available to listen to concerns and deal with
issues, however all members need to understand that officials are human and will make mistakes – overreacting to an isolated missed call is not acceptable.
The average age of our referees on a Saturday is 15 years old - ongoing poor behaviour is major contributing factor to the issues that arise with retention rates. The coaches and players are learning – our officials are too. If teams are unwilling to provide an environment for officials to develop they will simply quit and we will never develop the standard we are striving for – and ultimately your competition suffer with an increasing number of matches scheduled with solo referees.
It is also important to ensure members are fully aware of their potential consequences of poor behaviour – breaches of the BV Codes of Conduct can result in tribunal hearings, suspensions and stadium bans.
The association will continue to develop and service the referee program with schools for new referees, mentoring programs and referee coaching & evaluations. I would encourage all delegates to understand the critical role your members play in assisting the association reach these goals.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you wish discuss the matter further or learn more about the programs and strategies being put in place for our referees program.
Nathan Cumberland
Referee Development Officer